Parents » Family Involvement | McKinley PTA

Family Involvement | McKinley PTA

Join the PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

What does PTA do?

PTA raises money and organizes volunteers to enrich our children's experience at McKinley Elementary School.
PTA funds many things, like:
  • buses for field trips
  • art, curriculum garden, & classroom supplies
  • educational assemblies
  • library books, and more
PTA organizes families to help in the classroom and around the school, fund-raise, and put on events that bring our whole community together (and that our children quite enjoy!).
You are vital to our PTA efforts to provide McKinley students exceptional opportunities. The more who volunteer, the more vibrant our community becomes!


How can I help?

  • Work 3 or more shifts at Harvest Festival: 2 during the event & 1 set up or clean up
  • Donate food or prizes for Harvest Festival
  • If you enjoy other PTA community events, volunteer to work at one of them
  • Talk to your teacher or room parent about volunteer opportunities in the classroom

I want to help more!

  • Lead an activity at lunch recess (K/1 volunteers especially needed)
  • Get fingerprinted to be a field trip driver
  • Be a PTA chair
  • Join a Harvest Festival committee
  • Sponsor your classroom's art auction item for the Harvest Festival Auction
  • Be a business or family sponsor for the Harvest Festival
  • Host a party or donate a service for the Harvest Festival Auction
  • Bid on a Harvest Festival auction party or item

Stay informed

  • Weekly school newsletter, the Bulldog BARK
        (sent via email from MemberHub)
  • Room parent communications
    (via MemberHub)
Come to PTA Meetings 

PTA Meetings

7pm in the school library, generally on the 3rd Wednesday of every other month.
Agendas are published in the school newsletter. Meetings typically have a Principal's report, Board reports, and may vote on items as they arise. On occasion, there may be a special speaker.

Free money!


  • >> Sign up
  • Search for McKinley Elementary
  • Register your debit, credit, or rewards cards
  • Many local participating grocery stores
  • Up to 5% of your purchase goes to McKinley
McKinley pizza night
at Village Host on Broadway
3rd Thursday of every month. Dine in or take out. 
Mention McKinley when you order
Questions? Email [email protected]